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ISO9712 – MIT, II LEVEL Course for Non-Destructive-Test on ferromagnetic ropes

AMC Instruments Srl has been recognized by Bureau Veritas as technical partner for the qualification of experienced personnel in NDT (Non Destructive Test) Level 1 and 2 (ISO 9712-MIT). At the end of the course, each participant will receive a certificate of attendance. The ISO9712 certificate will be released by Bureau Veritas a few days after the sending of the documentation.

Course General Characteristics 

The ISO 9712 course (on field) lasts 3 days, 8 hours per day. These hours will be splitted among a theorical and a pratical part. The course ISO9712 could be done also online, the scheduling will be decided in according with students At the end of the three days course, all participants will attend a final examination. The exam takes 1 day, 8 hours. 

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aemmeci instruments corso 2 livello class


 To summarise: 

The course and the exam will engage participants for a total of 32 hours, splitted in 4 days 

The course will take place if a minimum of 6 subscriptions is achieved. 

The final exam entails: 

  • 30 questions, multiple choice on general information; 
  • 20 questions, multiple choice on a specific topic;
  • 2 practical tests on two different ropes; 
  • An open question on the operative procedure 

Duration of the Certificate 
The ISO 9712 certificate lasts for 5 years. 

III Level NDT Experts 

At the beginning of the course each participant will receive the relative material to attend the course. 

The course will cover the following parts: 

  • Basic of Electromagnetism 
  • What is a rope 
  • Rope terminology 
  • Regulations (ISO4309; EN12927; ISO4344) 
  • Signal Theory and Interpretations 
  • Software Interpretations 
  • Technical Practical Test 
  • Final Exam 

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